NativeRemedies, natural remedy health vitamins health information herbs, health questions mens, health alternative medicine, womens health, herbal remedies, prescription medicine herbal, medicine natural health advice herbal, life medicinal herbs, herbal supplements, the natural way homeopathic remedies
We at Native Remedies have searched long and hard to find a wide range of natural and homeopathic remedies that not only help to treat myriad ailments and conditions but are also effective and professionally produced.
Click Here to viste Native Remedies for Proven, Effective and Safe Natural Remedies

All of us have witnessed many failed attempts by friends and family members to treat common conditions with only traditional medicine. We have also witnessed the unwanted side effects often result. We are here to provide solutions for common conditions and ailments that are chemical-free and without the risk of side effects.
We believe that treatment of conditions such as ADHD, depression, symptoms of menopause, immune system deficiencies and a wide range of other conditions can often be more effectively addressed with the help of natural remedies.-
Manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards, each complex and potent remedy has been especially created in therapeutic dosages to safely and effectively treat a range of conditions including acne, impotence, arthritis, PMS, UTI and bladder infections, depression, anxiety, menopause, ADHD and chronic headaches. We also have powerful remedies to help with weight loss and to improve sexual performance.
In our search and by word-of-mouth referral we came to know and appreciate the expertise, experience and dedication of Michele Carelse, a Clinical Psychologist.
In her practice, Michele had to help her patients deal with the psychological impact of their ailments - ranging from HIV, cancer, AIDS, to menopause, arthritis, anxiety/stress and even self-confidence issues surrounding personal presence and beauty.
In doing so, she came to understand the link between the psychological and physical effects of these ailments, and became dedicated to helping resolve both of these!
As a result, Michele, with her in-depth knowledge of psycho pharmacology and the effects of synthetic medicines on psychiatric disorders, has spent many years developing extremely effective herbal compounds to aid in the treatment of the symptoms and ailments she came to witness in her counseling practice.
If you'd like to see and experience our extensive background in herbal and homeopathic remedies - then Browse our store. -
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A+ TestCalmer - Promotes calmness and confidence in children and teenagers prone...
Add a Testimonial - Alternative Holistic Healing Systems Holistic Medicine...
AdrenoBoost helps protect adrenal glands from harmful stress
Ailments List Search
All Natural Herbal Health Medicine and Alternative Health Remedies
AllergiClear reduces allergens, keeping eyes, noses & lungs healthy
Aqua-Rite for blood pressure, cardiovascular, liver and gall bladder health
Ask Us A Question About Our Natural Herbal Remedies
Background on Michelle and Her Natural Herbal Remedies
Bad Dream Sprinkles - Aids in the prevention and management of night terrors and...
Be-Dry promotes bladder health to reduce bedwetting
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BioVent for bronchial and respiratory health for easy breathing
Brain Tonic for concentration, memory and attentiveness
BrightSpark for concentration, mental focus and anger outbursts
BrochoSoothe for easy, comfortable and normal breathing
Browse Our Natural Herbal Remedies Anxiety, ADHD, Depression Insomnia Prostate...
Cancer Herbal Treatment and Natural Cancer Supplements
Candidate for digestive tract health and Candida balance maintenance
CanTravel for digestive comfort and balance during air, sea or road travel
Causes and Treatment of Menorrhagia and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Chikkie Spot Drops - Promotes relaxation, calmness and peaceful sleep to ease...
Cholesto-Rite for cholesterol maintenance and helps combat free radicals
Clear Skin E-Cream soothes and helps promote trouble free skin
ClearSkin Daily Wash for healthy, smooth skin and environmental protection
ClearSkin-A Gel for healthy, clear skin and trouble free complexion ClearSkin-A...
ComfiCoff - Promotes relaxation to soothe throat and chest discomfort, irritation ...
Congesto-K KiddieRub - Promotes nose and chest clarity in children to maintain...
Congesto-K Pillow Spritzer - Promotes clear airways and entire respiratory tract...
Contact Us - Native Remedies for your Natural Herbal Remedies
Crave-Rx for mood balance during and after nicotine withdrawal
Dextox Drops for natural cleansing and toxin elimination
Diabetonic acts as a liver and pancreas tonic while helping maintain sugar levels
DigestAssist for digestive comfort and healthy digestion Gastronic Dr. for...
Digestion Tonic for trouble-free digestion and digestive balance
Dong Quai for premenstrual, menstrual and menopausal health
EcoSlim for liver, thyroid and digestive function
Fatigue Fighter for systemic and immune functioning, and boosting energy
Femalite for emotional and hormonal balance during the premenstrual period
Fertile XX for hormone balance and overall reproductive health
Fertile XY for sperm and testosterone production
Flatulence and Natural Remedy - Homeopathic Acid Reflux Gas Cure
Focus ADDult for mental focus, concentration, and memory function
Focus Formula for concentration, memory, focus and attention
Fórmula para ADHD -Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, remedio...
Fórmula para ADHD -Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, remedio...
Gastronic Dr. for overall digestive health and functioning Gastronic Dr. for...
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HaliTonic for overall mouth freshness, systemic cleansing and purifying
Herbal Diuretic Cure for Water Retention - Natural Diuretic Herbs
Herbal Ear Infection Remedies - Natural Ear Ache Home Remedy
Herbal Epileptic Seizures Remedy - Alternative Epilepsy Drugs Treatment
Herbal Itch Alternative Remedies - Athlete Foot and Jock Itch Treatment
Herbal Remedies eBooklets - Information on Natural Herbal Healing and Health Care
Herbal Remedies for Perspiration - Overactive Sweat Gland Treatment
Herbal Remedies Information Natural Herbal Healing and Health Care
Herbs That Prevent Chemotherapy Hair loss and Treat Chemotherapy Side Effects
High-Rite for healthy blood pressure, artery clarity and heart health
Home Based Affiliate Business Quality Herbal Supplements and Remedies - Earn 25...
Homeopathic Medicines for Your Pets - Dog and Cat Herbal Remedies and Health Care ...
Homeopathic Medicines for Your Pets - Dog and Cat Herbal Remedies and Health Care ...
Homeopathic Remedies for Endometriosis Treatment Lupron Alternative
iBaba for digestive distress and cramping relief in babies
Ikawe for normal male sexual functioning
ImmunityPlus for immune system health and combating infections
InsulatePlus for maintaining blood sugar, insulin production and circulation
JointEase Plus for joint and muscular-skeletal system health
JuniorSlim - Promotes safe weight loss and management for children and preteens
K-OK Kiddie Calmer for nervousness, fears, phobias and anxiety in children
Kiddie Florish - Promotes nervous system health and helps stimulate and maintain...
KiddieBoost - Promotes healthy immune function, and reduces infection and illness ...
KiddieCool - Soothes irritability and restlessness, and promotes the effectiveness...
KiddieVom - Aids in digestive support, and helps relieve nausea & vomiting in...
Kidney Dr. for kidney and urinary system health and function
Liquid Herbal Remedies, Herbal Supplements and Holistic Health Combo Packs
Liver Dr. for overall liver and systemic health and toxin resistance
MellowPause for reducing hot flashes and balanced mood
MemoRise for healthy cognitive function - memory, concentration, attention
MiGone Plus for tension reduction to prevent chronic headaches
MindSoothe for balanced moods and overall feelings of well-being
MindSoothe Jr. for mood balance, emotional and psychological health in children
Mom's Magic Trauma Sprinkles - Promotes comfort in children with distress due to...
Mood Tonic for nervous system health, balanced mood and peacefulness
N-Con Tonic for urinary system, prostrate and pancreas tone and strengthening
Native Remedies - The Psychologist's Natural Choice: About Us
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Native Remedies 1 Year 100% Money Back Guarantee
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Natural Cures for Raynauds Disease - Herbal Circulation Supplements
Natural Herbal Earache Remedies for Toddler Ear Infections
Natural Herbal Remedies for Your Health - Anxiety, ADHD, Depression Insomnia...
Natural Medicine, Herbal Remedies-Treatment of ADD ADHD Anxiety UTI and more
Natural Moves for bowel health and regularity
Natural Nail Fungus Treatment - Fungus Home Nail Remedy
Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome & Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Natural Treatment of Tinnitus - Causes for Ringing Ears - Tinnitus Relief
Natural Treatment Otitis Media Doxil and Earache Remedies
Natural Treatments for Addisons Disease - Adrenal Fatigue Supplements.
Naughty Nits - Helps loosen and remove hair lice and nits, and prevent re...
Nerve Tonic for balanced moods, worry free mind and nervous system health
News - Anxiety, ADHD, Depression Insomnia-Prostate Weight Loss and More
NicoTonic for healthy nervous system functioning during nicotine withdrawal
Now Available - Native Remedies Gift Certificates
Ordering, Payment and Shipping Policy - Native Remedies LLC
Prostrate Dr. for overall prostrate health and urinary tract health in men
Pure-Clenz Solution - Promotes fast, infection free healing and helps reduce...
PureCalm for stress relief, balanced moods and feelings of well-being
RealHead Massage Oil for muscular, joint and skeletal health after activity
RealHeal for assisting the body in natural healing
ReGrow Plus for circulation, hormonal and thyroid health, for hair & nail growth
ReGrow Scalp Massage Oil for health of the scalp and hair follicles
Relaxation Music CD - Releases Stress with Relaxing Sounds & Techniques
Remedios a base de hierbas, medicina alternativa y soluciones a base de hierbas
Reorder Reminder Alternative Holistic Healing Systems and Holistic Medicine...
Rx-Hale helps maintain mood balance during nicotine withdrawal
Sciatica Home Treatment - Sciatica Symptoms - Natural Sciatica Relief
Serenite Jr. for healthy sleep patterns, restful nights and teething babies
Serenite-LT for peaceful, restful and satisfying sleep
SerenitePlus for healthy sleep and restful, peaceful nights
Site Map: Native Remedies On Line Herbal Products and Herbal Health Care
Skin Dr. for overall lymphatic function and blemish free healthy skin
Sleep Tonic for balanced hormones involved in healthy sleep patterns
Slimmer's Assist for healthy metabolism, digestion and dietary fat breakdown
Sniffly Sprinkles - Helps maintain easy breathing, clear noses and open chests in ...
SOS HistaDrops for maintaining clear eyes and noses during allergy season
Specials: Native Remedies List of Natural Medicines - Types of Herbal Medicine
StudyPlus for brain health, concentration, mental alertness and memory function
TeenSlim - Assists teenagers in weight maintenance, system cleansing, skin...
Thanda Passion Booster for women's sexual health, desire & orgasmic function
Throat and Tonsil Dr. for throat and tonsil health and body's infection resistance
ThyroidAssist for healthy thyroid function and hormonal thyroid levels
ThyroSoothe for overall thyroid health and the thyroid's ability to balance itself
Tula Tantrum Tamer helps reduce tantrums, tempers and frustration in children
Tummy Trumbles - Promotes normal bowel activity and healthy, firm stools in...
UT Tonic provides a tonic effect on bladder and urinary tract health
UTI-Clear for overall bladder and urinary tract health
Vizu-All Plus for healthy eye function and reduction of ocular infection & disease
Worm Dr. - Promotes digestive health and prevention of intestinal worms
Adult ADD ADHD Symptoms and Alternative Solutions for ADD and ADHD
ADD Child Symptoms - Dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder in Children
ADHD Child Symptoms - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children
Natural Supplements for Hyperactive Children - Hyperactivity in Teenagers
Teen and Adult ADHD Symptoms, Diagnosis and Natural Options
Natural assistance for test anxiety in teens and children
Natural Herbs and Vitamins that Promote Mental Focus - Brain Health
Herbal Supplements to Help Concentration - Child Concentration Problems
Adult ADD Medication for Symptoms of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
How to Improve Focus and Concentration and Reduce Impulsive Behaviors
Preventing Memory Loss - Memory Techniques and Natural Memory
Studying Tips and Studying Strategies to Improve Academic Performance
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